Monday, 11 May 2020

Week #33 100WC - Lydia

“BOOM!” The thunder woke us all up. Where was dad? I looked all around the neighborhood but he was nowhere to be found.  As I walked home the deafening screams echoed through the cold night.  “DAD, WHERE ARE YOU?” I screamed.  I got back home and collapsed on my bed and starting pouring out with tears. Mum came into my room and asked if I could tell her what was wrong and sulked and where dad was, but Mum didn’t answer, she just left the room.  I followed her and she saw me and threw me on my bed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lydia,
    I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    It's a very mysterious piece leaving me wonder about Dad. Where is he? Why is he not at home?
    Good work this week.
    Keep writing.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)
