Monday 11 May 2020

Week #33 100WC - Mikayla

Chappie and Danai went hiking on Mount Trapezi. As night was falling, they set up their camp underneath a large spruce tree on a flat, grassy surface. After setting up their camp, they lit up their campfire and started telling each other funny stories. You could hear a tiny echo from their voices, so they decided to scream as loud as possible and the only thing you could hear was the deafening screams echoing through the cold night. Unfortunately all the screaming caused an avalanche, which swept them and their campsite down the mountain landing in their backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikayla,
    I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    As I was reading your story, I was thinking what a lovely way to spend an evening...and then the ending! Wow! I so didn't expect that.
    SUPER work this week.
    Keep writing.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)
